I won’t debate the ethics of war. At this moment in time, I invite you to allow emotions to fill your awareness. The heartbreak of a mother who lost her child. The bitter anger of the militant. The heartless cruelty of the politician. From afar, it’s easy reduce the destruction of war to a mental concept. Something rational, perhaps a matter of perspective. However, it is important we remain connected to the demoralizing heartbreak of war and reflect on our aspirations for the liberation of all people.
Are we able to love our families? Are we able to love those considered to be our enemies? Are we able to practice non-violence, even when we are under pressure?
Given an opportunity to connect with the childless mother or the embattled soldier - how would you show up? Would you speak first, or listen? Would you hold their heart gently in your care? Would you have the capacity to give solidarity?
If war showed up on your doorstep, what would you do?
As long as war is not at our door, we have the opportunity to develop the facilities of peace in our beings. At this time, please create a five minute pause to center on your feelings, as you hold the suffering of Palestinian and Israeli people in your heart. Allow yourself to hear their cries. Feel their hopes and dreams. Embrace their mourning.
If you feel moved, please allow this feeling of solidarity to educate your heart and guide the unfolding of your being. When you cry, cry with all of humanity. When you smile, smile with all people. We are connected.